Are you interested in making your property a location for motion pictures, television shows, commercials, music videos, or other types of film/video productions?
Los Angeles Film Locations can make your interest a reality. Whether it be a commercial, retail, or residential property, we’ll be happy to work with you and make your property a filming location.
People that film at our locations are always on the lookout for someplace new to shoot their productions. Once your property is listed with us, location managers can browse your property on our website and let us know if they are interested in booking. If they are, we’ll contact you and find out the property’s availability. Prices for property rental generally range from $1000 to $10,000 rental per 12 hour day depending on what kind of property you have.
There are four major kind of properties that we are looking for:
Okay, great! What should I do?
Just contact us and let us know you’re interested in having your property become a film location!
Send an email to and put “New Film Location” in the email title, or simply call us at 818-641-0220 and say you’re interested in having your property available for filming. It’s that easy!
Filming locations throughout the greater Los Angeles area. We have LED XR stages, White CYCs, Green Screen, Black Void stages, Lofts, and Standing Sets that work great with your latest project. Contact us about availability & make your reservation today!